Empowered Badass Women: Celebrating Cycling Successes Together

I have this running joke with my cycling friends. They always say, “If Sheri plans the route, it will be hilly.” Now, let me be clear: I am not a fan of hills. In fact, I hate them. But I’ve realized that if I embrace the things I hate, I may learn to tolerate orContinue reading “Empowered Badass Women: Celebrating Cycling Successes Together”

The Dusty Bandita

I’m back, folks! Apologies for the radio silence on my blog lately. My work/life balance has been completely off-kilter, leaving me with little time to dedicate to Sunflowers and Pedals. However, I’m determined to turn things around and commit to regular posts this year. So today I present to you an interview with Bri Lui,Continue reading “The Dusty Bandita”